By: Ashley Menzel On: October 12, 2020 In: Featured News, Spotlight Comments: 0

Carlos Campos has been playing trivia for many years at the Tam o’ Shanter with his team, the Flux Capacitors, and has been hosting at Barney’s Beanery in Pasadena for about a year and a half. He enjoys movies, sci fi/fantasy, video games, tennis, exercise, and recently has gotten into motorcycles. He can be seen on tv in various roles: www.imdb.me/carlosecampos

On Joining King Trivia®: Playing for years at the Tam and having the best host ever (Michael Miller) made hosting eventually sound pretty enticing.

Category I’d Dominate In: State Capitals

Learn One Skill Without Trying: Languages and/or instruments

Cats or dogs?: Cats. Duh. They relieve themselves in a designated area indoors and wash themselves. Low maintenance and they don’t try too hard for your attention. Also, purring is such a calming sound/feel.