1739 Public House

1739 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90027
(323) 663-1739


Wed Sep 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Darrel Haynes

We had an interesting one tonight with a great mix of difficult & easier rounds. Some well placed successful doubles made all the difference for our winners as they navigated their way through this well balanced game.

Veggie Scrambles played fairly conservative in a good way tonight as they knew when to not take chances. Their only perfect round was in round 3 when they successfully doubled which threw them into the group of front runners where they would stay, staying in pace with two 9 point rounds in 5 & 6. They glide into 3rd, taking the bronze!

Fear of Flying were playing the way they usually do, skillfully & calmly until they hit a bump in the road with a -1 in round 4. It didn't faze them as they made a brilliant recovery with a perfect round & a successful double, which had them tied at 2nd. They win the duel with the highest score in the last round & take the silver!

Bruce Jennertalia started the game off with a double & that was a great indication of how they were going to play tonight as they doubled nearly every other round. To top that off, they get the full 10 points in round 4 & have a perfect round in round 6, where there was no need to double because they were already miles ahead of the competition. They stroll past the finish line in 1st, take the gold, & are now the 3 week reigning champs!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10285 Bruce Jennertalia 79 13 1.000
2 10251 Fear of Flying 56 12 0.923
3 12128 Veggie Scrambles 54 11 0.846
4 10283 Donate Blood @ CHLA 53 10 0.769
5 The L7 Weenies 49 9 0.692
6 10194 The Number of Homeless Dudes Sean Has Blown Is... 47 8 0.615
7 The Javier Bardem Fan Club 42 7 0.538
8 15561 Thrillhouse 39 6 0.462
9 Dan Would Know That 38 4 0.346
9 Party of 1+2 38 4 0.346
11 Call Me By My Agent 37 3 0.231
12 The Mad Lads 35 2 0.154
13 The Terror Dactyls 32 1 0.077
14 Big Al 24 0 0.000