1739 Public House

1739 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90027
(323) 663-1739


Wed Jun 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Salma Syed

The energy at 1739 Public House was great tonight! Our game tonight directly followed the Stanley Cup Finals, so there were a lot of emotions in the air.


Thank you to all of the players tonight for the warm welcome. It's always tough to let a sub run the game because every quizmaster does things a little differently! I appreciate the cooperation and I hope everyone had a great time.


I just moved to Los Feliz, so tonight's game was an awesome opportunity for me to explore the area and meet some of my neighbors. I'll be back next Wednesday to cover for your regular host again, so until then, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10285 Bruce Jennertalia 63 9 1.000
2 16903 Quizzie McGuire 55 8 0.889
3 20058 Crapshootz 45 7 0.778
4 16555 Trey Dongz 40 6 0.667
5 Beach Boys II Men 39 5 0.556
6 14067 Havin' a Blast Crisis 37 4 0.444
7 3 Girls 1 Dude 34 3 0.333
8 20494 Rizzo 29 2 0.222
9 Ricardon't 19 1 0.111
10 Warm Beer 14 0 0.000