90 West Lounge

12740 Culver Blvd
LOS Angeles CA 90066
(310) 821-4000
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm
About 90 West Lounge

Full liquor bar, with 5 beers on tap, pitchers available, 35+ bottled beers, multiple wine choices, , 6 T.V.'S, Diamond pool table, internet juke box.
Outside patio drinking and smoking area, great for all types of parties. BBQ cooking for NFL Sundays. ITS BEEN SAID...."WALK IN A STRANGER AND LEAVE WITH FRIENDS!!" 


Mon Jul 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Ryan Robbins

After a rare off podium finish, our favorite movie title turned dirty team name was back in the winner's circle. Our second place team, Play More P.O.D. not only has fabulous taste in music, but was the only team to get the mystery round correct on the first clue due to their oddly specific knowledge of the movie Twister.

Our bonus round involved a game of Balderdash where players had to decide if a given word is made up or real. Only one team won the beer, but we learned some new vocabulary. Unless you already knew that scrivello is obviously a word (an elephant's tusk weighing less than 20 pounds) and that meadophily is clearly made up.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10213 Fast and Furious Threesome: Calvin + Hobbes + Shaw 67 5 1.000
2 13620 Play More P.O.D. 46 4 0.800
3 Gakunese Timcation 45 3 0.600
4 13858 Eternal Moonshine of the Drunken Mind 36 2 0.400
5 HD Bomb 34 1 0.200
6 AMFer’s 29 0 0.000