90 West Lounge

12740 Culver Blvd
LOS Angeles CA 90066
(310) 821-4000
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm
About 90 West Lounge

Full liquor bar, with 5 beers on tap, pitchers available, 35+ bottled beers, multiple wine choices, , 6 T.V.'S, Diamond pool table, internet juke box.
Outside patio drinking and smoking area, great for all types of parties. BBQ cooking for NFL Sundays. ITS BEEN SAID...."WALK IN A STRANGER AND LEAVE WITH FRIENDS!!" 


Mon Aug 19 2019
| by Quizmaster Ryan Robbins

It was VERY LOUD tonight. Any time the quizmaster needs to turn the mic up, that means everyone is having a great time. A few newcomers added to the crowd's volume which is always welcome. One of which ran away with an easy first place victory after multiple teams struck out on a double or nothing on the very first round.

Inspired by the NFL, our bonus game was a paper football competition. The object of the game was to flick the paper ball as far as possible, which can be tricky in the tight space at 90 West. There were a few kicks that went wide and hit a wall with only one that sailed straight out the door and on to the patio. Kudos to Eternal Moonshine for their elite paper flicking skills!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14196 Great Googly Moogly 76 5 1.000
2 13858 Eternal Moonshine of the Drunken Mind 57 4 0.800
3 B Chubb 54 3 0.600
4 21754 The Wizards of Oz 38 2 0.400
5 10213 Angel Has Fallen on my Dick 36 1 0.200
6 Green Team 35 0 0.000