90 West Lounge

12740 Culver Blvd
LOS Angeles CA 90066
(310) 821-4000
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm
About 90 West Lounge

Full liquor bar, with 5 beers on tap, pitchers available, 35+ bottled beers, multiple wine choices, , 6 T.V.'S, Diamond pool table, internet juke box.
Outside patio drinking and smoking area, great for all types of parties. BBQ cooking for NFL Sundays. ITS BEEN SAID...."WALK IN A STRANGER AND LEAVE WITH FRIENDS!!" 


Mon Jan 20 2020
| by Quizmaster Ryan Robbins

It may have been a day off work with MLK Day, but no one is taking the night off for trivia! We honored Dr King with a few questions here or there and even learned that his wife paid for the birth of Julia Roberts!

If anyone felt the quiz was skewed a little too male with some famous men in history, all was made right with our final round themed entirely on Mean Girls! Actor names, character names, it was all too easy for our winning teams.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10213 Nine-Taint-Seven-Peen 71 5 1.000
2 10025 2001: A Butt Odyssey 59 4 0.800
3 Average Joes 47 3 0.600
4 10202 The “No Pass” Garrapolos 46 2 0.400
5 21754 Timone & Gakumba 45 1 0.200
6 Pina Colitis 37 0 0.000