Barney's Beanery - Pasadena

99 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 405-9777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
  • MUSIC BINGO—Saturdays @ 6:30pm


Thu Oct 25 2018
| by Quizmaster Alex Gouge-Schajer

It was an exciting and packed night of trivia!

Da Bears rocketed into first with a substantial and unchallenged lead right off the bat! With 2nd and 3rd becoming a bitter battle between the dishwashers, the peeps, suspended load, and the McGuire Regime!

But History's firsts proved to be the deciding factor, because two successful double-downs in a row rocketed OOOO suspended load into first! with Da Bears staying firmly planted in 2nd with the Creeps creeping up into third at the very end!

Well played night by all, and a special shout out to the GM of Barney's Beanery for helping me out with my technical issues at the start

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15900 Ooooo suspended load 78 13 1.000
2 11759 Da Bears 76 12 0.923
3 10325 the Pasadena Creeps 72 11 0.846
4 15407 Purple Monkey Dishwasher 69 10 0.769
5 14880 Second Cousins 60 9 0.692
6 The McGuire Regime 58 8 0.615
7 10631 Team Porkchop 56 7 0.538
8 Emma Let the Dogs Out 49 6 0.462
9 16798 It's Beagles All the Way Down 46 5 0.385
10 The A Team 42 4 0.308
11 Fossil Rockers 41 3 0.231
12 16801 Pitches be Crazy 39 2 0.154
13 Chocolate Thunda 37 1 0.077
14 Seattle SuperSonics 29 0 0.000