Barney's Beanery - Westwood

1037 Broxton St.
Westwood CA 90024
(310) 443-7777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 9:00pm


Wed Dec 14 2016
| by Quizmaster Tim Barkas

The holidays are a season of giving, and this quizmaster was certainly touched and gratified by the generous gift of a candy sucker from You May Call Me Miss Vicky last night. Thank you!!

Of course, you'll notice that your gift of sugar on a stick didn't help nudge you up a notch in the standings with a five-point bump like you suggested it should! Oh no! King Trivia Quizmasters are chosen NOT just chosen for their good looks or quick wits. We also exemplify the highest in ethical standards! Our favor cannot be bought with a See's candy chocolate sucker! Oh no!

But thanks for the candy, Vicky. You rock!!

Also, congratulations  to Dad, I'm Pregnant! who changed their team name at the end to Dad, It's Twins! This may have been the shortest gestation in human history!

That's even shorter than the gestation rates of the American or Virginian opossum (Didelphis marsupialis); the rare water opossum, or yapok (Chironectes minimus) of central and northern South America; and the eastern native cat (Dasyurus viverrinus) of Australia, which all have GPs of 12-13 days! (Memorize this info for a future KT quiz! And yes, it'll be on the final!)

We should all celebrate. I think I'll have a sucker.

See ya next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Comet Ping Pong 80 12 1.000
2 10191 Trivia Newton John 78 11 0.917
3 You May Call Me Aunt Vicky 74 10 0.833
4 The Jedi Council 64 9 0.750
5 The Ho Ho Hoes 56 8 0.667
6 The Flatliners 51 7 0.583
7 Team Solid 48 6 0.500
8 Dad, I'm Pregnant! 45 5 0.417
9 Lonzo's Balls 41 4 0.333
10 Fitwall 31 3 0.250
11 Ribalet Surprise 27 2 0.167
12 UCLA Was My Backup School 22 1 0.083
13 Sherlock Homies 15 0 0.000