Barney's Beanery - Westwood

1037 Broxton St.
Westwood CA 90024
(310) 443-7777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 9:00pm


Wed Jan 4 2017
| by Quizmaster David Gallic

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Naughty Trash, Brah 78 16 1.000
2 10064 Streets of Rage 72 15 0.938
3 70 14 0.875
4 Benjamin Quizreali 68 13 0.812
5 10423 Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis 62 12 0.750
6 10039 The Hammer of Glory 58 11 0.688
7 Lena Dunham's Abortion 53 10 0.625
8 Tom's Birthday 50 8 0.531
8 Ribalet Surprise 50 8 0.531
10 Rimjs 48 7 0.438
11 RECID 46 6 0.375
12 Team For Two 41 5 0.312
13 Stranger Thongs 37 4 0.250
14 The Force is Strong With This One 34 3 0.188
15 M and P 28 2 0.125
16 Late and Bleeding 25 1 0.062
17 Toejam 20 0 0.000