Barney's Beanery - Westwood

1037 Broxton St.
Westwood CA 90024
(310) 443-7777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 9:00pm


Wed Dec 11 2019
| by Quizmaster Milo Shearer

They're back! Wahooo!!!! We had a lot of newish faces today, but fresh from finals, our teams thrust into trivia with celebration and pizzazz! Look at that, pizzazz has four Zs!

Peas Porridge Hot built their points slowly, but consistently, and took the podium without ever attempting a double-down, a rare feat at Barney's Westwood. Our statisticians were quite tickled. The Envirobros took a short break from fighting climate change, which is a real thing, to rack up some points, and guess what? After a round 7 double, they came in second! Up at the top you can see Lizzo's Flute, because Lizzo's Flute wins all the awards.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16984 Lizzo's Flute 70 21 1.000
2 Envirobros 58 20 0.952
3 #DoItForTheKidz 52 18 0.881
3 Peas Porridge Hot 52 18 0.881
5 Trivia Vida Loca 48 17 0.810
6 Tim and Nick 47 16 0.762
7 24317 Out the car window 45 15 0.714
8 21994 Sweet stuff 43 14 0.667
9 Something Embarassing 41 13 0.619
10 These Wings too Hot 39 12 0.571
11 Iran 38 11 0.524
12 iBAD (it's been a day) 36 10 0.476
13 21501 Diamond Jimmy Styles 32 9 0.429
14 24310 What are finals? 31 8 0.381
15 Rose 27 7 0.333
16 Good Shabbas 25 6 0.286
17 JJSBS 24 5 0.238
18 24316 Moosilini 22 4 0.190
19 Scootin Psyches 4 3 0.143
20 Wynn 3 2 0.095
21 Maze Runners 2 1 0.048
22 SWA Life 1 0 0.000