Barney's Beanery - Westwood

1037 Broxton St.
Westwood CA 90024
(310) 443-7777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 9:00pm


Wed Jan 29 2020
| by Quizmaster Mike Bauman

As hockey players beat each other toothless on several of the televisions at Barney's Beanery, an abundance of insightful and incisored individuals competed in a decidedly less icy evening of King Trivia.

Box Munchers used their well-honed knowledge of Broadway musicals to earn top honors for the evening. Cheet-ah Girls and Dilly Dilly 69 placed second and third, respectively, or, as they say in hockey, came in second and third, respectively.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Box Munchers 72 34 1.000
2 22492 Cheat-ah Girls 63 33 0.971
3 14132 Dilly dilly 69 62 32 0.941
4 16984 Josh and the Jersey Boys 51 31 0.912
5 Bayou Tapestry 49 30 0.882
6 25018 Baldy Bros 45 29 0.853
7 25053 a wholesome duo 42 28 0.824
8 25050 Team zero 39 27 0.794
9 Whale's Vagina 37 26 0.765
10 Lumberjack Slam 31 24 0.721
10 Aaron Rodgers' Mustache 31 24 0.721
12 25051 EXEC EXEC EXEC 30 23 0.676
13 Blockmail 29 22 0.647
14 21702 Hoboken No Jokin 28 20 0.603
14 "34 Points" 28 20 0.603
16 Barry's Boys 27 19 0.559
17 25055 Bane of Romaine 26 18 0.529
18 Fuck Ashley 25 15 0.471
18 Salary Sluts 25 15 0.471
18 JJ Exiles 25 15 0.471
21 Chow Time 23 13 0.397
21 20245 A Team Has No Name 23 13 0.397
23 Booze Cruise 22 12 0.353
24 "And the Winner" 21 10 0.309
24 24926 tasty licks 21 10 0.309
26 25049 girls and gays and henry 19 8 0.250
26 Lanal 19 8 0.250
28 You Can Say That Again 18 7 0.206
29 Where's Milo 16 6 0.176
30 22504 Strikes + Dips 15 5 0.147
31 Dream Team 14 2 0.088
31 Exhaustion 14 2 0.088
31 23507 where is cole sprouse 14 2 0.088
34 Dynamic Duo 11 1 0.029
35 Rose and Ari 10 0 0.000