
35058 Yucaipa Blvd
Yucaipa CA 92399
(909) 797-2337
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcaipa

Answer Submission Form

Brewcaipa Brewing Co. is Yucaipa's only Brewery located in historic uptown Yucaipa.


Wed Sep 6 2017
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

Brewcaipa Wednesdays at 630pm where Pirate's go to win prizes like a $50 BEER TAB! That's right Dread Pirate Roberts was our winner Wednesday and they were so confident they didn't even arrive until the 2nd round. They were given a run for their money by a pair of regular trivia experts Thrillhouse who placed 2nd earning them a $35 beer tab. And 3rd but 1st place in adorable pics is Baby Free Beses who won a $15 beer tab! In the middle of it all beer pong was played for a round of beers, and everyone felt a little younger and more collegiate as a result.

See you next week! Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12470 Dread Pirate Roberts 40 7 1.000
2 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 39 6 0.857
3 12464 Baby Free Besses 34 5 0.714
4 12212 Code Brown 32 3 0.500
4 Pubic Enemy #1 32 3 0.500
6 12465 Morty & Armothy 28 2 0.286
7 12463 Bad news beers 10 1 0.143
8 Mico 5 0 0.000