
35058 Yucaipa Blvd
Yucaipa CA 92399
(909) 797-2337
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcaipa

Answer Submission Form

Brewcaipa Brewing Co. is Yucaipa's only Brewery located in historic uptown Yucaipa.


Wed May 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Lisa Shaughnessy

Thanks for coming out on Wednesday everyone! Welcome to our newest teams, Moana and Stitch and Mountain Muppets! It was great to have you with us! Congrats to Texas Poon Tappa and BD Bastards for their knowledge of Academy Award trivia which lead to first place and the free beer round for the teams! Hope to see you all next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17092 BD bastards 83 11 1.000
2 13069 Check it out 78 10 0.909
3 11680 Day Drinkers 74 9 0.818
4 18935 Spitting Chiclets 63 8 0.727
5 13787 Texas Poon Tappa 50 7 0.636
6 12465 Schrodinger's Cat 47 6 0.545
7 20157 Mountain Muppets 46 5 0.455
8 12132 Drinker's with a Teaching Problem 44 4 0.364
9 13832 Irish wrist watch 40 2 0.227
9 16887 Mothers Against Drunk Driving 40 2 0.227
11 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 16 1 0.091
12 20159 Moana and Stitch 14 0 0.000