
35058 Yucaipa Blvd
Yucaipa CA 92399
(909) 797-2337
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcaipa

Answer Submission Form

Brewcaipa Brewing Co. is Yucaipa's only Brewery located in historic uptown Yucaipa.


Wed Jun 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Lisa Shaughnessy

Thank you everyone for coming out this face melting Wednesday to have a fun night full of trivia! Welcome newcomers Duo Brewo, KAD, My Little Pony, and Hot for Teachers (congratulations on the end of the school year to all our teachers!). Spitting Chicklets gets a shout out for their knowledge of fast food in our free beer round! Thank you all so much for being so much fun and looking forward to seeing all your wonderful faces next week! Stay safe!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12132 Drinker's with a Teaching Problem 56 13 1.000
2 17092 BD bastards 55 12 0.923
3 13069 Check it out 53 11 0.846
4 20474 Hot for Teachers 50 10 0.769
5 17765 Chyenne and the Guy 48 8 0.654
5 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 48 8 0.654
7 11680 Day Drinkers 45 7 0.538
8 20481 KAD 44 6 0.462
9 20489 My little pony 43 5 0.385
10 16461 Pitch Forkers 37 4 0.308
11 20258 HydromorphOWNED 36 3 0.231
12 20473 Duo Brewo 35 2 0.154
13 13542 I thought I was speed dating 34 1 0.077
14 18935 Spitting Chiclets 25 0 0.000