
1150 Brookside Ave
Redlands CA 92373
(909) 792-1399
  • PUB QUIZ—Saturdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcakes

Join us for the Brewcakes Local League from August 1 - October 26 to compete against your fellow Brewcakers for bragging rights and awesome prizes!

At Brewcakes we know that sometimes individual passions can collide in a glorious way you never could have seen coming. That is exactly what happened when our love for local craft beer and world class baked goods came together. Each one of our Brewcakes is hand crafted in our Redlands Bakery using only the best local ingredients and local craft beers from our amazing local breweries. We invite you to come by our Bakery in Redlands or join us at one of the many events we are featured at and are actively participating in soon. If you have not had the experience of enjoying a Brewcake with friends, family and even the owners of Brewcakes in Redlands; we invite you to join the Brewcake Family today.


Thu Jul 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

First I must give the specialist hep hep hep shout out to the rudest team I know, one that isn't sitting at a kid's table, I'd pay more than a buck-o-nine to play trivia with, give my gold finger to hang out with, they are some real hepcats, they may not have won a skankin' pickle, but a funnel cake and the game, they know way more than Jake, & the way they combine JK Rowling themed names with the impossible is no small operation. I've heard when they aren't playing trivia they reel in some big fish, bbq and leave nothing but the fish's bones, they have dog's so cute it's madness, ok that's enough ska band names for now! Rude for life! Harry Potter & the Ska-blet of Fire!

Jedi Viking Mind Trick fantastic seeing you out here in Redlands, always a pleasure to quizmaster for you! Chaka-Laka-Ding-Dong-Boom-Pow you guys really know stuff and congrats on 3rd. Welcome to the game Nurses with Attitude, Mota-vation and Peanut & Seahorse, hope to see you back for more next week! Until then stay trivia cool & let's go bowling!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10912 Harry Potter and the Ska-blet of Fire 67 5 1.000
2 14924 The Jedi Viking Mindtrick 47 4 0.800
3 10319 Chaka-Laka-Ding-Dong-Boom-Pow-It-Keeps-Going 43 3 0.600
4 15575 Nurses With Attitude 37 2 0.400
5 15576 Mota-vation 31 1 0.200
6 15572 Peanut and Seahorse 27 0 0.000