
1150 Brookside Ave
Redlands CA 92373
(909) 792-1399
  • PUB QUIZ—Saturdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcakes

Join us for the Brewcakes Local League from August 1 - October 26 to compete against your fellow Brewcakers for bragging rights and awesome prizes!

At Brewcakes we know that sometimes individual passions can collide in a glorious way you never could have seen coming. That is exactly what happened when our love for local craft beer and world class baked goods came together. Each one of our Brewcakes is hand crafted in our Redlands Bakery using only the best local ingredients and local craft beers from our amazing local breweries. We invite you to come by our Bakery in Redlands or join us at one of the many events we are featured at and are actively participating in soon. If you have not had the experience of enjoying a Brewcake with friends, family and even the owners of Brewcakes in Redlands; we invite you to join the Brewcake Family today.


Thu Dec 27 2018
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

It was a dark and chilly night when I arrived at Brewcakes ready to do my usual outside quizmastering, I could tell something was going to be different this week... and it was... INSIDE GAME ANYONE?!?

We had 4 teams of seasoned trivia professionals and 1 team that was new to the game of King Trivia, hello new team! Last Place Bet a team of 2 lovely ladies would secure the 3rd place glory (You forgot your prize btw). And a team of 2 wonderful human beings and potato artists who have caught the trivia bug! It's always a better game when they are there, one is delicious when mashed up and served with jelly, the other has the males of her species carry their eggs and pukes them up when they are born, Peanut & Seahorse took 2nd place! And in first place, a group of intellectuals who like accomplishments when they come in small packages, you may also know them as Scotty Doesn't Know, The Little Achievers!

A friendly shout out to our 4th place finishers & table sharers, teachers & Chuck Palahniuk tattoo lovers the Spellcheckerz! And the Wet Bandits who won our bonus round and a free funnel cake, they can't focus when Eric Clapton is playing, I thoroughly enjoy seeing them each week.

Had a blast this week! Happy New Year, have fun, stay safe, TRIVIA HARD!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11590 The Little Acheivers 58 4 1.000
2 15572 Peanut and Seahorse 45 3 0.750
3 16023 Massholes 42 2 0.500
4 17345 Spellcheckerz 39 1 0.250
5 12084 Wet Bandits 34 0 0.000