Canterbury Ale House

534 15th Ave E
Seattle WA 98112
About Canterbury Ale House

The Canterbury Ale House is your neighborhood pub featuring 30 beers on tap, tons of free games to play, large TVs and sports, nightly events, and more.  We are always a kid and pet friendly place so bring your entire family down for a pint!


Tue May 14 2019
| by Quizmaster Raymond Williams

It was an intimate show at The Canterbury Ale House this week in a part of the venue dubbed "The Night Room." We had three teams, a Quiz Master, and very dim lighting. And an electric fire place. We mustn't forget the electric fire place.

But it wasn't the faux fire providing the heat so much as the competition between Honey Smacks and Kikkoman When He's Down- After a one point difference in Round 1, they were tied EVERY. SINGLE. ROUND.

Fun Team put up a good fight though, especially during Round 6 where they hit the Double or Nothing and lead the pack by 1 point. But at the end of Round 7 a tie-breaker determined the difference between First and Second Place.

It was Kikkoman When He's Down who came closest to the grams of sugar in a can of Pepsi (missing it by just 2!) and earned themselves the top prize for the evening, leaving Second Place to Honey Smacks and a very respectable Third Place for Fun Team!




Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Kikkoman When He's Down 43 1 0.750
1 19920 Honey Smacks 43 1 0.750
3 19924 Fun Team 39 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker