Canterbury Ale House

534 15th Ave E
Seattle WA 98112
About Canterbury Ale House

The Canterbury Ale House is your neighborhood pub featuring 30 beers on tap, tons of free games to play, large TVs and sports, nightly events, and more.  We are always a kid and pet friendly place so bring your entire family down for a pint!


Tue Oct 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Raymond Williams

It was a Spooky Scary night of trivia at The Canterbury. People became teams and teams became wolves... if you have a very loose definition of the word "wolves."

It was Spooky Scary for Tequila Mockingbird who stumbled in the First Round by missing a Double or Nothing. And again in Round 6.

It was Spooky Scary for The Stella Assassins for the exact same reasons above.

It was Spooky Scary for every team with a very tough Round 7 where the highest score could be counted on one hand with missing fingers.

And it was especially Spooky Scary for Tokyo Banana. They started strong right out of the gate with a First Round Double or Nothing and were in the lead most of the night. But St. Lunatics scored big in Round Six and snatched the lead with their big, hairy, paws.

See you next week when I get to start working Thanksgiving into the recaps!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 St. Lunatics 51 5 1.000
2 21103 Tokyo Banana 45 4 0.800
3 23459 Fragrant melon 31 3 0.600
4 20416 Tequila mockingbird 27 2 0.400
5 # I Crush Hills 22 1 0.200
6 23458 The Stella Assassins 16 0 0.000