Chapter One: The Modern Local

227 N Broadway
Santa Ana CA 92701
(714) 352-2225
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 8:00pm
About Chapter One: The Modern Local

Local produce & seasonal fare. Beers, wines, and spirits from across the globe.


Thu Jan 23 2020
| by Quizmaster Michael Cornacchia

We had another fantastic game of King Trivia at Chapter One. 5 teams competed for FIRST place and the $30 Chapter One gift card for their next visit to Chapter One!
"The Emotional Support Goblins" and "Chappy" both started off strong. "The Goblins" ended Round 1 with 6 points (a couple added points for having a registered name at and "Chappy" only missed one point grabbing a total of 5. By Round 2, a couple teams were neck and neck. "the Windsocks" and "Lit Witz" were tied with 5 points while "The Goblins" and "Chappy" were tied with 10 points. "Lit Witz" then won the Drinking Round grabbing a round of Dickel Shots. "Chappy," "Lit Witz," and "The Emotional Support Golblins" all gained 6 points in Round 6, our Guess Who round, when they ALL correctly guessed the answer on the 6 point clue. Unfortunately, "The Windsocks" guessed incorrectly and lost a point. "Chappy" killed Round 5 scoring 9/10. They moved up to first place and stayed there until the end of the game ending the evening with bragging rights as the most smartest and that $30 Chapter One gift card. "Lit Witz" came in SECOND place and they received a $15 gift card for their next Chapter One visit!
Thanks to the wonderful bar and wait staff and I'm looking forward to next time!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Chappy 36 4 1.000
2 Lit Wits 32 3 0.750
3 24868 The Emotional Support Goblins 30 2 0.500
4 The 909ers 14 1 0.250
5 24940 The Windsocks 6 0 0.000