Charlie's Stars & Stripes

296 N. 2nd Avenue
Upland CA 91764
(909) 981-2411
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue May 9 2017
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

It was quite a competitive evening, especially between Humpty Trumpty and Who Wants to Touch Mike Hawk. The last time these teams played one another they were tied up at the finish and it happened again this week. A tie-breaker was had and the length of the worlds largest house cat was guessed making Mike Hawk our winners! But everyone won this week, because the team We Tried got the beer round! Had a blast!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Who Wants to Touch Mike Hawk 43 1 0.750
1 10772 HumptyTrumpty 43 1 0.750
3 We Tried 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker