Charlie's Stars & Stripes

296 N. 2nd Avenue
Upland CA 91764
(909) 981-2411
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue May 21 2019
| by Quizmaster Joseph Castaneda

Tuesdays King Trivia at Charlie's Stars and Stripes was ahhhhhhhmazing!!!! We had three teams fighting for the glory and gift cards to Charlie's. During our Drinking Round the Funky Wagnalls won the True or False Flash round earning themselves some liquid courage. We also celebrated Wendy's Birthday! Happy Birthday Wendy!

In the end Two Dogs took the 1st place prize followed by Funky Wagnalls taking 2nd. Great time, great game!!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13436 Why do you ask, Two Dogs? 67 2 1.000
2 11873 Funky Wagnalls 57 1 0.500
3 16020 Big Group small brains 49 0 0.000