Chuy's - New Stine Rd.

2500 New Stine Rd.
Bakersfield CA 93309
(661) 833-3469
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Wed Mar 14 2018
| by Quizmaster Dave Rezac

On Pi Day, we enjoyed pi and pie, but we didn't have any .py scripts. Through rain or, well just rain, we convened to see who has the biggest gray mass between their ears.  Three new teams joined us tonight and one of them even took home some sweet, sweet Chuy's cash.

Lords of Winterfell were dethroned st the last minute and relegated to third place with 55 points. Newcomers Amos Team, whom I accidentally called "Almost Team" for a few rounds, doubled in round 6 and blew a double in 7 to send up with 56 for second. Christine Says Holla landed in first with 66. It's good to be the king. Umm, QUEENS.

Join us next week when we find out who shot J.R. Ewing.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12902 Christine Says Holla! 66 8 1.000
2 13989 Amos Team 56 7 0.875
3 12903 Lords of Winterfell 55 6 0.750
4 10210 Alcoholocaust 48 5 0.625
5 12900 Team unicorn 34 4 0.500
6 10204 Late Comers 33 3 0.375
7 12895 Beer Googles 28 2 0.250
8 Just Kat 13 1 0.125
9 13988 Stef & Grandma 7 0 0.000