Chuy's - Rosedale

8660 Rosedale Hwy
Bakersfield CA 93312
(661) 587-5750
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Feb 25 2020
| by Quizmaster Matt Borton

There is no better way to celebrate the widest of Tuesdays, than a night with King Trivia!

Our teams slogged through a tough diet, but came out on top with some candy.

Us again flexed their knowledge in round six. They washed the competition right out of their hair and ended in third place.

The Escape Goats did not back off this night. They pulled a triple seven score in the last three rounds and secured second place.

2 Gals and Some Sausages were having a bit of trouble at the beginning. That didn't hold them back. With a well timed final round Double or Nothing, they leapt back into the competition and first place!

Our DJ score to beat was fifty-nine.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 24746 2 gals and some sausages 55 8 1.000
2 21659 The Escape GOATs 47 7 0.875
3 25348 Us Again 46 6 0.750
4 10121 The Regulars 42 5 0.625
5 13251 Copper Boom 40 4 0.500
6 Thanks, Rick 38 3 0.375
7 24119 Quiz Khalifa 32 2 0.250
8 Let's Get Quizical 31 1 0.125
9 Barbies 40th Posse 9 0 0.000