College Bar & Grill

502 S College Ave Ste 103
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 699-6363
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About College Bar & Grill

Located across the street from the iconic ‘A’ Mountain and Sun Devil Stadium and a quick walk from Wells Fargo Arena, College Bar & Grill is your home for the best local craft beer, delicious creative cocktails, tasty food and Tempe’s best atmosphere for Arizona State Athletics.


Wed Aug 28 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

On August 28th at College Bar & Grill, 5 teams came face to face to test themselves and each other to see who knew the most. These teams included I'm Not Picky, Montucky, M+M Serve the Bartenders, Order From the Bar, and Sexy Kittens.

In Round 1 our teams challenged their general knowledge of things. After included points for registered teams Sexy Kittens were in first place with 7 points. Each of the teams were off of each other by just a single point. I'm Not Picky had 6, M+M Serve the Bartenders 5, Order From the Bar 4, and Montucky 3 points.

Round 2 asked the teams to identify which Carl or Karl was being shown in the pictures. I'm Not Picky got the highest score this round after only having 2 incorrect answers. Whereas team Montucky only earned 2 points for the round. Each of the other teams all earned 5 points for correctly identifying their C/Karls.

In Round 3 the theme referenced in the questions or answers were bones. Our teams did moderately well this round. Sexy Kittens chose to play their Double or Nothing for this round, they only had 3 answers written but got them all right and were able to earn 6 points for their team. At this point in the game the Sexy Kittens were in first place with 18 points, in second was I'm Not Picky with 17 points. In third we had M+M Serve the Bartenders with 13 points, behind them with 12 was Order from the Bar, and in fifth was Montucky with 9 points.

This week for Round 4 the teams were seeking to identify a mystery person. I'm Not Picky was able to guess correctly after the second clue which means they brought in 8 additional points for their team! Order From the Bar, M+M Serve the Bartenders, and Montucky figured out who they were after our third clue giving each of them 6 points, and the Sexy Kittens got it on our fourth clue for 4 points. The mystery person this week was Jesse Eisenburg.

For Round 5 our teams had to find the connecting theme in the first 9 answers of the round. We had 2 teams play their Double or Nothing this round, those teams were I'm Not Picky and Montucky. Unfortunately this did not benefit either team as they had both missed a few questions resulting in no points being earned for the whole round. At this point in the game however I'm Not Picky had worked their way into a tie for first place with Order From the Bar, each of them having a total of 25 points. In second were the Sexy Kittens who had 24 points, followed by M+M Serve the Bartenders with 21 points, and Montucky in fourth with 15 points. The connecting theme was that the answers contained a nautical term within them.

For Round 6 the teams had to match a talk show host sidekick to their main show host. I'm Not Picky managed to get every single match up correct earning 10 points for the team. Order From the Bar also did very well this round and only missed 1 of the match ups. Montucky was able to get 6 of the answers correct, M+M Serve the Bartenders earned 4 points, while the Sexy Kittens were unable to match up any of them correctly.

Round 7 asked the players to name 10 of Ben Affleck's highest domestic grossing films. Team M+M Serve the Bartenders did not turn in an answer sheet this round so they did not earn any points in this round. From what I can tell based on the answer sheet I'm Not Picky mistook Ben Stiller for Ben Affleck and therefore was not able to earn any additional points for this round. After adding scores for the pens that were retuned at the end of the game the scores were as follows: in fifth was M+M Serve the Bartenders at 25 points, fourth went to Sexy Kittens with 27 points, in third we had Montucky with 29 points, second place went to I'm Not Picky at 37 points, and Order From the Bar stole first place with 38 points.

Thank you to all the teams for coming out! Check in next week to see who wins the guts and glory.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Order From the Bar 38 4 1.000
2 I'm Not Picky 37 3 0.750
3 M+M Serve the Bartenders 35 2 0.500
4 Montucky 29 1 0.250
5 22376 Sexy Kittens 27 0 0.000