College Bar & Grill

502 S College Ave Ste 103
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 699-6363
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About College Bar & Grill

Located across the street from the iconic ‘A’ Mountain and Sun Devil Stadium and a quick walk from Wells Fargo Arena, College Bar & Grill is your home for the best local craft beer, delicious creative cocktails, tasty food and Tempe’s best atmosphere for Arizona State Athletics.


Wed Oct 9 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Wednesday evening at College Bar & Grill 3 teams went face to face to see who knew whats what. Our teams were Pitter Patter, Big Brains and Hasan, and Darkness With A Side Of Mayo.

Round 1 tested the players general knowledge of things and seemed to be a bit of a tough round! Pitter Patter was in first with 4 points, with Big Brains and Hasan in second with 3 points, and Darkness With A Side Of Mayo in third with 1 point.

Our images in Round 2 asked the teams to identify the movies that featured the specific alien shown. Pitter Patter chose to play their Double or Nothing for this round, which ended up working perfectly for them, earning their team and additional 16 points to their score! Ferda!

Round 3's word play this week was that the questions or answers would have either the word "pin" or "needle". In this round Darkness With A Side Of Mayo chose to play their Double or Nothing, again this worked for the team's benefit and allowed them to earn 12 points!

The theme for Round 4 this week was a Guess Where. Pitter Patter and Big Brains and Hasan guessed correctly after our second clue, giving each of their teams 8 points. Darkness With A Side Of Mayo was able to get it after our fourth clue. The location we were searching for was The White House.

By now in the game Pitter Patter was still in first place now with 33 points. Darkness With A Side Of Mayo had moved their way up to second place with a total of 23 points, while Big Brains and Hasan were in third with 21 points.

Most of our teams struggled a bit with Round 5, Big Brains and Hasan did the best by earning 7 points for their team. However none of our teams were able to guess that the connection between the answers was Scooby-Doo.

I was personally very proud of all of our teams last night because every single team got all of the answers for Round 6 correct! A house full of mathematicians as they matched the math concepts to their symbols. Big Brains and Hasan even played their Double or Nothing for this round which allowed them to earn 20 points!

Round 7 asked who were 10 of the 14 U.S. Presidents that had 8 or more letters in their last names. My personal favorite incorrect answer for this round was "SlickWilly" from Big Brains and Hasan.

In the end Darkness With A Side Of Mayo took third place with 45 points. In second was Pitter Patter with 56 points. Finally, in first place was Big Brains and Hasan with a total of 59 points! Congratulations to all our teams and join us again next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Big Brains and Hasan 59 2 1.000
2 21498 Pitter Patter 56 1 0.500
3 Darkness With A Side Of Mayo 45 0 0.000