College Bar & Grill

502 S College Ave Ste 103
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 699-6363
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About College Bar & Grill

Located across the street from the iconic ‘A’ Mountain and Sun Devil Stadium and a quick walk from Wells Fargo Arena, College Bar & Grill is your home for the best local craft beer, delicious creative cocktails, tasty food and Tempe’s best atmosphere for Arizona State Athletics.


Wed Nov 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Steven Gotfried

'Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the College Bar and Grill, barely a creature was stirring, not even on Mill; the beers still did flow, all in hopes King Trivia would still be a go.

The few patrons were sitting, all drinking their liquid bread, with visions of turkeys dancing in their heads; I with my questions and the bartender with his hat, pondered a fun night of Trivia during our chat. When next to the bar, "We are ready to play King Trivia" arose in a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.

Away I went to start the great game, with three one-person teams vying for fame. The Thanksgiving-themed questions flew through the air, with the teams trying to answer, but had hardly a prayer.

Now food!, now music, now history and all! On football, on tradition, on family and the mall. To the first question to the very last, answer away! answer away to them all.

And then in a twinkling, I finished them up, with Forbes on top with 40 in his cup. Eddie came in two, but he said he was not through (with his beer).

As I packed my stuff up, no one spoke a word. I continued to tidy, thinking about the fun that had just occurred. As I sprang to my feet to head to my car, I heard someone yell from inside the bar.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Forbes 40 2 1.000
2 Eddie 18 1 0.500
3 Alex 14 0 0.000