Culture Brewing Company

4845 Newport Avenue
Ocean Beach CA 92107
About Culture Brewing Company

Culture is more than just beer. Culture is an idea. An idea that we are not all that different from each other and that art, community spaces, and yes… beer too can bring us together. That is why Culture embodies the ethos of the neighborhoods we call home through monthly art shows featuring local artists, fundraisers, and community events. But also by brewing beer styles that anyone from beer-novice to beer-nerd can enjoy.


Tue Feb 18 2020
| by Quizmaster Amy Irving

Great competition here at Culture Brewery! We learnt how to spell micropachycephalosaurus for the drinking round/spelling bee! Falcore's first place streak came to an end tonight loosing to team Bernie by just 7 points! Team Wild Seagulls secured third place with a solid 42 points! Latecomers 'Better late than pregnant' scored 40 points and lastly one man team Espi won 21 points! Thanks to all that attended tonight and see you next week!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Bernies big caucas 57 4 1.000
2 25086 Falcore 50 3 0.750
3 Wild seagulls 42 2 0.500
4 Better late than pregnant 40 1 0.250
5 Espi 21 0 0.000