Etiwanda Roadhouse

12583 Highland Ave.
Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739
(909) 899-1016
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Etiwanda Roadhouse

Serving Rancho Cucamonga, in one form or another, since 1923.


Mon Aug 14 2017
| by Quizmaster Armando Plascencia

Another great night of Trivia at Etiwanda Roadhouse! We had a lot of fun and even played some musical trivia for the drinking round. Jury of Your Beers came back from a break to take the game.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10032 Jury of Your Beers 60 4 1.000
2 10395 Hail hydra! 46 3 0.750
3 Beers for Fears 38 2 0.500
4 Liquor Box 30 1 0.250
5 10923 WHATS Your NAME, bitch??? 27 0 0.000