Etiwanda Roadhouse

12583 Highland Ave.
Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739
(909) 899-1016
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Etiwanda Roadhouse

Serving Rancho Cucamonga, in one form or another, since 1923.


Wed Feb 20 2019
| by Quizmaster Jordan Petersen

Wednesday night at Etiwanda Roadhouse had a very cozy atmosphere and a delightful crowd. Front Half and Hail Hydra duked it out until the very end, but ultimately it came down to a successful double down in round 6 for Hydra to pull ahead! Shout out to GORC for winning the free beer round with their astute integer guessing skills! Honorable mention goes to TEAMAGGUT for a VERY close guess (within 5 in a 4 digit number!) though they went over, so it did not count. Darn those Price Is Right rules!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10395 Hail Hydra 65 8 1.000
2 17863 Front half 57 7 0.875
3 16617 Dog bit to the face 43 6 0.750
4 14716 beerly legal 42 5 0.625
5 Mouse Rat 39 4 0.500
6 17359 gorc 38 3 0.375
7 15475 Fontana knowledge 36 2 0.250
8 16393 kelmos 33 1 0.125
9 18077 teamaggut 26 0 0.000