First Class Pizza

4290 Riverwalk Pkwy
Riverside CA 92505
(951) 354-7900
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About First Class Pizza

Free parking lot, family friendly


Handicap accesible, Free parking lot


Credit cards and cash accepted.


Wed Feb 12 2020
| by Quizmaster Trevor Scheuerman

It was a fun night as teams drank played trivia and overall had a good time as 7 tes battled for supremacy. However it was Myra showing off her paper airplane skills and Anthony showing his way around a quarter as they both won free beer and are the true winners for tonight.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 22630 Un Poco Loco 59 6 1.000
2 22919 We thought this was Speed Dating 46 5 0.833
3 10855 Goon Squad 42 4 0.667
4 22920 Harmonious 39 3 0.500
5 Spider Pig 29 1 0.250
5 Slightly Overrated 29 1 0.250
7 17100 Designed Drinkers 28 0 0.000