Five Threads Brewing Company

31133 Via Colinas #109
Weslake Village CA 91362
(805) 457-599
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Five Threads Brewing Company

Five Threads Brewing Company, your neighborhood brewery, serves up the ultimate Craft Beer Microbrewery Experience by bringing together the best of craft beer: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast AND YOU!


Tue Apr 2 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

The top three launched themselves with successful doubles in round 1. GBD topped theirs off with doubles in rounds 3 and 5 as well, dominating the quiz. Mathilda and San Diego rode high scores all the way to the end.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14538 Group Blind Date 70 4 0.900
1 Go Fuck Yourself San Diego 70 4 0.900
3 13874 Mathilda 52 3 0.600
4 18549 Inglorious Bastards 40 2 0.400
5 13427 We Give Up 38 1 0.200
6 Just for Fun 29 0 0.000