Goal Sports Cafe

8334 W 3rd St
Los Angeles CA 90048
(323) 655-5955
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Goal Sports Cafe

Located in the heart of the West 3rd St. corridor, between Orlando and Sweetzer. Goal Sports Cafe was established to provide a great sports experience. With good people, great food and drinks and an entertainment system second only to being at the game.


Wed Nov 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Denisse Bon

Goal Sports Cafe is a special place, and has very awesome clientele. Since the regular teams were m.i.a., other regular customers joined in with me on the fun, made up two teams, and shared their knowledge, playing King Trivia for their first time.

Right Up Your Ally, won with 55 points, and also won the drinking round. They bravely went for double or nothing on the picture round, which helped put them in the lead to win that juicy $50 gift card. Also fun fact about their team name, they named it after bartender, and sweetheart, Ally, who welcomed me, and helped me settle in. Second place team, John Triviolta, did really well for having doubted themselves at first. They received a $25 gift card, after earning 46 points, and put up a heck of a game! If they would've gone double or nothing on the picture round as well, they would have won the game, they had all the answers right too! I guess that's how we learn. I appreciate all the participants for being so nice, and so much fun. They truly made my night!

Thank you for having me Goal Sports Cafe, at your service any time!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Right Up Your Ally 55 1 1.000
2 John Triviolta 46 0 0.000