Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Oct 30 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

The eve of Halloween is the only time of year when Quiz Master Lou is replaced by Quiz
Master Loucifer! Yes, all kinds of devilish mischief can occur when that happens, as
evidenced by the replacement of the freebie FB question in Round One! BwaHahahahaha!

In fact, a number of spooky and mysterious happenstances took place. The replacement
question was about the Evil Dead franchise star. Interestingly enough, QM Lou (cifer)
was actually in the movie Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness! Cosmic Coinkydink, eh? And
not only that, but the subject of Round Four's Guess Who was Eli Roth, QM Lou's last
name-sake. Go figure.

Weirdness aside, Kilarney's was fairly sparse last night except for some of our regular
teams and two newbies, who braved the balmy gloom to come in, imbibe some Irish spirits
and play some trivia. Resident champs, Tequila Mockingbirds lurched into first place,
only to be scared into second by the frighteningly knowledgeable Poonswagglers, while the
unholy alliance of Blood, Bath & Beyond/Ship It! stabbed third. Honorable mention to
newbie teams Saints & Sinners, who landed in fourth nimbly for only being a duo and the
family band of Halloweenies, who just came by for dinner and ended up having a terribly
fun time!

That's the spooky truth. Quiz Master Loucifer says have a horrible week and be sure to
drive home real fast! (Hey! It's a joke. I'm JOKING. It's a Halloween thing. Get it?)

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14200 Poonswagglers 45 6 1.000
2 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 43 5 0.833
3 12732 Deadly Alliance 37 4 0.667
4 16832 Saints and sinners 27 3 0.500
5 16833 halloweenies 26 2 0.333
6 11827 pickles on a plate 23 1 0.167
7 16283 The Bar Flies 16 0 0.000