Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Oct 8 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

As always, the King Trivia Pub Quiz at Killarney's this Tuesday night took off
and landed safely delivering thirty-nine souls to their destination... Fun!
Six veteran teams plus the flying platoon comprised of elements from the wait
staff and the bar stoolers made up our manifest as we flew the friendly skies of
minutiae and esoterica.

Seal Team 3 and Irish Whiskeypedia ended up in Coach Class seats, although the
latter got downgraded after Round Five. Wossa Matta-U got bumped to Business
Class after losing a tie breaker for third place. The lucky team who won it was
Pickles on a Plate, who got upgraded into the winner's circle in First Class.
Along with Tequila Mockingbird who got second and Blood, Bath & Beyond, who took
first, all enjoyed the luxury and comfort of First Class accommodations. Those
who cash in their Double-or-Nothing flyer miles reap the rewards, after all!

Our flight path took us over many Western Borders in Round Six, where geography
buffs shined brightest while our in-flight poem was William Blake's Tyger. Those
who preferred less highbrow entertainment tuned into episodes of Chicago Fire or
an NBA Top Ten list on their individual monitors. The flight ended with a tie
breaker at the Eiffel Tower!

Thanks for flying KTPQ! We hope to see you again. This is your captain, Quiz
Master Lou, signing off!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12732 Deadly Alliance 79 6 1.000
2 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 60 5 0.833
3* 11827 pickles on a plate 55 3 0.583
3 15262 Wossamotta U 55 3 0.583
5 21066 Irish Whiskeypedia 43 2 0.333
6 16940 Seal Team 3 41 1 0.167
7 16283 The Bar Flies 21 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker