Longship Brewery

10320 Camino Santa Fe C
San Diego CA 92121
(858) 246-7875
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 6:30pm
About Longship Brewery

Since the 9th century, the Viking longship has been a symbol and a vessel of exploration, trade, and cultural exchange. The pride of the nordic people was their ability to cross the oceans in ways that no other people had done before. With the curiosity of the unknown, this guided them to uncover the world's riches, solidifying their place in history. 



It is this same drive of exploration that fills the sails of Longship Brewery.  We strive to seek out daring and bold ingredients and style combinations. Pushing the limits in order to create uniquely strong smooth flavors with a fearless determination to uncover new lands. Join us on our journey as we at Longship Brewery sail into the foamy unknown.


Tue Nov 14 2017
| by Quizmaster Cory Brin

Have you ever heard of the "Power of One?" Well tonight at Longship Brewery we saw the in action.

As per usual the night started off with a pretty tight race. The Indifferent Penguins were back after a hiatus and hit two successful double or nothings to storm to a victory.

A new group, Princess Twilight Sparkle, also made a successful double or nothing in round five to lock themselves into second place late in the game. They also won the beer round, by knowing that the first pickles were documented in the year 2030 B.C. (They guessed 2000 B.C. and were the closest.) (It was also National Pickle day.) (PS: Where was Pickle Rick! for this one?)

And although placing in the top three on your first game is impressive, it was The MOOPS, or should I say, "The MOOP" who had the most noteworthy feat: Coming in third as a team of one!

When asked his thoughts on the victory, King Moop replied about his absent teammates, "They've been holding me back."

It was a really fun night all the way around, and we hope to see you all back next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11696 Indifferent Penguins 62 6 1.000
2 12939 Princess Twilight Sparkle 47 5 0.833
3 12563 MOOPS 35 4 0.667
4 12182 Hawaiian Time 32 3 0.500
5 12561 The Drinking Illini 31 2 0.333
6 11779 cyber chemists 27 1 0.167
7 Da Boiis 8 0 0.000