Mrs. Robinson's Irish Pub

10111 Riverside Dr.
Toluca Lake CA 91602
(818) 985-3359
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Sep 18 2019
| by Quizmaster Meghan Carvalho

What a night for King Trivia! This week we had a packed house at Timmy Nolans all looking to take home first prize. It was a tight race among all 9 teams but a few successful doubles quickly separated the pack. After 7 great rounds of trivia, Pacific Courier and Unbreakable Timmy Nolan's ended in a tie with Unbreakable Timmy Nolan's coming out on top. Hope to see you next time!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 12721 Unbreakable Timmy Nolan's 78 8 1.000
2* 11501 Pacific Courier 77 7 0.875
3* 14196 Sweedish Fish Oreos 73 6 0.750
4 10074 Meghan's Microphone 60 5 0.625
5 18426 High Fiving A Million Angeles 51 4 0.500
6 12048 Drunkin Donuts 50 2 0.312
6 Last but not Least 50 2 0.312
8 Brainstorm 44 1 0.125
9 Valley -kyries 31 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker