Mudhook Bar & Kitchen

100 S Main St
Duncanville TX 75116
(469) 759-6743
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Mudhook Bar & Kitchen

Answer submission form for Mudhook

Mudhook is slang for an anchor. The owner. Bryan Kaeser, comes from a Navy family and it’s very near and dear to his heart. Family comes first for Mudhook. If you come by, you’re part of it. Mudhook’s goal is to make you part of the family, give back to our community and expand the horizons of food and beverage in Duncanville.


Tue Dec 22 2020
| by Quizmaster Christian Gonzales

Mudhook, thank you for being so welcoming to a sub-host! Turns out I should just call yall my little Swans a Swimming because everyone blew the 12 days of Christmas round out of the water! Even though it's tough to nab Pablo Picasso, this was an excellent game to round out 2020. Thanks, y;all!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Mudhookers 58 3 1.000
2* Escalantes 41 1 0.500
2 Dos Locos 41 1 0.500
4 Dilf on a Shelf 40 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker