
125 N 36th St
Seattle WA 98103
(206) 632-3002
About Petoskey's
Welcome to Petoskey’s in Fremont.  Seattle’s only Midwest Bar and Restaurant.  From the people behind Zayda Buddy’s and Pomerol, Petoskey’s serves real Midwest Comfort Food in a super comfortable environment.  Wood fired Minnesota Style Pizza, excellent hot dishes, deep-fried Wisconsin cheese curds, Walleye fish basket, bouja, and more great stuff.



Petoskey’s features an excellent selection of beers and cocktails. Definitely try our Bloody Mary on weekends when we will feature all the Big Ten College games and of course the NFL’s NFC North Division on Sundays.  Petoskey’s is home to the Vikings and the Lions as an ode to Mike Petoskey’s heritage (We think he leaned more purple and gold, but that has long been debated over many Grain Belts and Stroh’s). Of note: The Vikings did tame the Lions during the Vikings era (793-1066).  We do have that Midwest Nice in us, so all you Midwest folk can come and feel welcome to watch your Packers and Bears too.  Seahawks games will also be featured.  NHL and MLB games from all Midwest teams will be televised.



Come on in and feel happy.  We welcome all who want a good meal and a nice beer or cocktail.  Petoskey’s food and drinks are made by friendly cooks and served by friendly bartenders and servers.  That’s what we do dontcha know.


Tue Apr 30 2019
| by Quizmaster Marc Snedden

It's the end of April Trivia Sale and everything must go! We've got handouts, we've got pictures, hell we've even got Haikus. And I'm pleased to announce that we've got a special 90% clearance on our "Guess Where?" items, any takers? What's that? No, I'm sorry ma'am, we're all sold out of "Guess Who?". C'mon folks, these discounts are insane, we're literally giving these answers away.

Ba dum tish.

And yes, I know it was National Honesty Day but keep your groans about my jokes to yourselves thank you very much. We had 3 teams of competitors giving April a fond farewell celebration: Starks in 4, No Girls Allowed (ironically lamenting the absence of some of their team-member), and 3 Vaginas.

Things got kicked off as they always do with our General Knowledge Round 1. We had a smattering of questions from a variety of categories like astronomy (How many stars in Orion's Belt? Three) and geography (What is the only country to border Lesotho? South Africa). But my favorite question was the one that rewarded the old-schoolers who still carry cash: What animal is on the back of a $1 bill (Eagle)?

There was no help for the forsaken in our Picture Round 2. This one was purposefully designed to annihilate any teams who refuse to recruit a member to handle the ever-so-common category of sports. Not only did we ask teams to identify the sports associated with famous athletes, we made them do so with nothing more than their face to go off of. A trivial task for the sportswomen and men among us, but for those more bookish minded teams,'ll see in the score recap.

At this point in the night the standings were as follows. In first place was No Girls Allowed, with a strong 13 point showing. Second place wasn't too far behind, as Starks in 4 came a calling with 12 points. And finally our third place team was 3 Vaginas with a 4 point showing after getting a bad hand from the dealer.

The night's Theme Round 3 was particularly clever, so a little shout out to our King Trivia question writers for coming up with these Haiku-based Crime Show questions/prompts. Here's just a little taste to pique your interest:

Drugs in Baltimore.

Singing "Way Down in the Hole".

Zero Emmys won. (The Wire)

If you want more of where that's coming from, make sure to find a King Trivia location near you and come join in the fun. Don't worry, we don't bite....much.

Moving into Round 4 I was sad to announce that we had another "Guess Where?" on tap instead of "Guess Who?". And although our crowd may not find them as fun, they are more difficult, so they help shake out the standings and clear the field. Cause unless you happen to have an encyclopedic knowledge of natural wonders established in the 19th century you'd be just as out of luck as the rest of us. Or maybe you're a big magma fan and this would have been a layup for you after hearing about the rhyolite passageway. Yeah, didn't think so. (It was Old Faithful).

And just like our predictable geyser, it's time to shoot off another score recap for you. Moving into Round 5 the first and second place standings had pulled a switcharoo. Starks in 4 were in first with 33 points while No Girls Allowed trailed behind with 32 points. Our 3 Vaginas caboose kept on chugging along with 14 points.

Find the Connection Round 5 had our teams squaring off to identify the connection using questions that all had one-word answers. This made it a lot easier to identify our connection, as multi-word answers entail the possibility of only limited portions of words or phrases being related to the overarching connection. So even if I only gave you three answers, let's say Xanax (What is the trade name of Pfizer's panic disorder drug?), Radar (What is nickname of Walter O'Reilly's character on M*A*S*H?), and TNT (The Closer and Major Crimes aired on what channel?), I think you might be smart enough to recognize that they were all palindromes (spelled the same forwards and backwards).

Our Handout Round 6 was a blessed arrival for one of our teams, as Starks in 4 celebrated the inevitable arrival of a Musical themed round. Teams had to match a list of famous musicals with their associated primary international setting. So if I gave you The King and I, you would match that up in our answer box with Siam (Thailand). Don't worry, we had some more modern and pop-culture friendly musicals in the mix like The Book of Mormon (Uganda), so even if you weren't a theater nut you could have still had a fighting chance.

Before we hit up our Final Round prompt, let's hear the scores one more time. Starks in 4 remained in first with 41 points, while No Girls Allowed had slowly fell behind at 35 points. And even 3 Vaginas were technically within striking distance if they could pull off a 20 point Double or Nothing, having racked up 21 points heading into our conclusion.

Our Final Round prompt for the night was:

According to the New Testament, who were 10 of any of the 12 apostles of Jesus?

I guess all our teams skipped Sunday school because no one was able to get above 50% accuracy. Although I was surprised that no one was able to remember the famous colloquial referencing a 'Doubting Thomas'. We had plenty of teams put down all the Evangelists too, but only two of them (Matthew/John) were actual apostles. And while everybody got Judas, alas there was no apostle from the Wild West named Jebediah.

So how did things end up for our cozy group of three teams? The final score standings were as follows:

1. Starks in 4 (46 points).

2. No Girls Allowed (39 points).

3 Vaginas (26 points).

Although we had an intimate night together, I think we'll have a bigger turnout this coming Tuesday, so come on down to join us for our first ever May Trivia Night at Petoskey's. It's sure to be another good one!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Starks in Four 46 2 1.000
2 17606 No Girls Allowed 39 1 0.500
3 3 Vaginas 26 0 0.000