Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Feb 5 2020
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wow! The first King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for February was a huge one! 80+ players packed the bar for one of the best trivia nights around!

For the Drinking Round, teams had to compete in a head to head rock paper scissors tournament. Last team standing would win the Drinking Round. It came down to 3 teams left so Hanky Panky, Fish and Chips, and Endless Potential faced off in a 3 person rock paper scissors round, where the person with the different shoot than the other two would win. Being the only person to throw scissors, Fish and Chips ran away with the Drinking Round win and a round of shots for her team.

There was a tie for third place, so one person from Richard Simmons' Housekeeper, and one person from Taking Care of Quizness faced off to see who would win the third place prize. They had to guess how many beans were in a 13.7 ounce can of Bush's Baked Beans on average. Both teams guessed pretty close to the same number, but Richard Simmons' Housekeeper came out victorious and won the 3rd place prize, a $10 gift certificate back to the bar.

Coming in 2nd place were Tom Brady's Balls! They scored 73 points and took home the $20 gift certificate! Awesome job!

And coming in 1st place was Hanky Panky! They haven't taken first in a while because usually the Mighty Mighty Puffins have it on lock, but this week they didn't even place in the top 4! That left the door open for Hanky Panky to come away with the win this week. They took home a $30 gift certificate. Excellent job guys!

That wraps up this week's King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! See you next Wednesday night for more!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10685 Hanky Panky 86 15 1.000
2 18854 Tom Brady's Balls 73 14 0.933
3* 16720 The Irregardless 70 12 0.833
3 24680 Taking Care of Quizness 70 12 0.833
5 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 62 11 0.733
6 Spartacus Forever 60 10 0.667
7 Ovaries Before Brovaries 54 9 0.600
8 BP's Bday Bash 44 8 0.533
9 21571 Kirkin' Chirpits 43 7 0.467
10 Bristol Fashion 42 6 0.400
11 Fish and Chips 41 5 0.333
12 Dead Last 35 4 0.267
13 Bombay Ducks 32 2 0.167
13 Tightly Whities are the Shit 32 2 0.167
15 Endless Potential 29 1 0.067
16 B8s Motel (Paul and Jenn) 16 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker