Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

44 W Green St
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 765-6810
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 9:00pm
About Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

The newest addition to the Rocco's family, located in Pasadena, California.


Mon Nov 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Joe Martone

The storms have passed, balance is achieved at Rocco's Tavern- The 900Dollarydoos are at it again, scooping a well deserved victory at their home bar. A successful double in round 3 pushed them to first place and they never let go.

Those People stayed pretty strong throughout and aced round 5, but didn't double. No shame in silver though.

Perpetually Second Place secured their latest bronze in what might be their final game at Rocco's! I know Century City is going to be a commute, but the glory of trivia is worth the mileage, is it not?

Hope to see you all next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14809 900Dollarydoo$ 60 5 1.000
2 13502 Those People 42 4 0.800
3 12937 Perpetually 2nd Place 38 3 0.600
4 16938 Who Dat 34 2 0.400
5 10631 Porky 26 1 0.200
6 Not Sure 13 0 0.000