Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

44 W Green St
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 765-6810
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 9:00pm
About Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

The newest addition to the Rocco's family, located in Pasadena, California.


Mon Mar 2 2020
| by Quizmaster Carlos Campos

Joe's got a lively bunch here at Rocco's! A tie was broken between Pizza Fries and Almost Okay, with the former taking third place. Second was secured by the aptly named Perpetually Second Place, and Club Obi Wan taking first (hi guys! See you at Barney's on Thursday sometime). Shout out to Just Here to Drink for winning the drinking round (state capitals), and how fitting that the one person on that team won, being there "just to drink!" Also, shoutout to Jackie for being very helpful, informative and amiable for a newbie sub quizmaster at this locale. Hello as well to Twinkie Time, so THIS is where you've relocated! Pictured as well:

delicious mango hef

possibly hardest matching round ever

You've got a nice group here, Joe!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17903 Club Obi-Wan 53 8 1.000
2 12937 Perpetually 2nd Place 46 7 0.875
3* 23564 Pizza Fries 43 5 0.688
3 17413 Almost Okay 43 5 0.688
5 13502 Those People 42 4 0.500
6 18128 Twinkie Time 35 3 0.375
7 Staff Infection 31 2 0.250
8 Just Here to Drink 23 1 0.125
9 Geek Freak 11 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker