Snakes & Lattes

20 W 6th St
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 361-6644
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Snakes & Lattes

Answer Submission Form for Snakes and Lattes

Snakes & Lattes Tempe is the first US location of the same concept from Toronto, Canada. We have 800 games and 12 delicious craft beer taps. Game on!


Tue Oct 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Tuesday evening at Snakes & Lattes 5 teams challenged their Halloween themed wits as the holiday slowly approaches. Our teams for the evening included; Moose on the Loose, Too Spooky, JG, We Thought This Was Kickball, and We Told Them This Was Kickball.

Our general knowledge for Round 1 kicked off the spooky theme of the night. After adding the points for registered teams We Thought This Was Kickball was in first place with a total of 7 points. In a tie for second with 6 points each was Moose on the Loose and Too Spooky. In third was We Told Them This Was Kickball with 4 points, and in fourth place was JG with 2 points after having joined the game a smidge late.

Round 2 asked our teams to identify the movies/TV shows featuring the spiders shown in the images. Everyone did fairly well this round with the most amount of points earned being 6 out of the 8. Though no one was able to identify Scroop from Treasure Planet and instead thought he belonged to the Antz film.

Round 3 focused on Google's "top costumes" of 2018. We Told Them This Was Kickball chose to play their Double or Nothing for this round, and they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling question number 2! By this point in the game Moose on the Loose brought themselves up to first place with 18 points with We Thought This Was Kickball just a few points behind at 16. In third was Too Spooky with 14 points, JG in fourth with 11 points and We Told Them This Was Kickball at fifth place with 9 points.

In Round 4 this week the theme was Guess What? Our players had to identify the mystery film being described by the clues. Too Spooky and JG had both assumed the film was The Exorcist, however this was incorrect resulting in a point being lost by each team. Moose on the Loose and We Thought This Was Kickball were able to correctly guess the film after our fourth clue, which means both teams were able to earn 4 extra points for their teams. We Told Them This Was Kickball were able to get the correct answer after our final clue, meaning they earned 2 points. In the end we were looking for Young Frankenstein.

Round 5 was our find the connection round. The majority of our teams did fairly well in this round and We Thought This Was Kickball even chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round. They were able to get all of their written answers correct-and even got the connecting theme of hockey correct! This resulted in their team earning an additional 16 points towards their score! After the use of their Double or Nothing play We Thought This Was Kickball had brought themselves into first place with a total of 36 points. Behind them in second was Moose on the Loose with 30 points. We Told Them This Was Kickball was in third with 19 points, JG in fourth with 16 points, and behind them in fifth was Too Spooky with 15 points.

We took a brief recess from our regularly scheduled program to play King Trivia's new Survey Slam! These questions generally seemed to focus on the Halloween theme. In the end Too Spooky won our Survey Slam with a total of 12 points!

Our theme for Round 6 asked the players to match each haunted location to the country it belongs in. JG played their Double or Nothing this round and were able to match all 10 answers correctly meaning their team was able to earn 20 additional points!

Our final question for the evening for Round 7 asked the teams to name 10 of the 14 songs from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Our teams didn't do quite so hot in this round, but efforts were made all around! Moose on the Loose even played their Double or Nothing! However, they incorrectly named "Over at the Frankenstein Place" as "There's a Light" resulting in no additional points for this final round.

In the end, Too Spooky was in fifth place with 22 points. In fourth, We Told Them This Was Kickball with 30 points. Third place went to JG with a total of 39 points. In second place we had Moose on the Loose with a total score of 42 points. And finally, in first place with 47 total points was We Thought This Was Kickball.

Thank you to all the teams that came out, and join us again next week Tuesday at 7 o'clock!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23331 We thought this was kickball 47 4 1.000
2 Moose on the Loose 42 3 0.750
3 JG 39 2 0.500
4 We Told Them This Was Kickball 30 1 0.250
5 Too Spooky 22 0 0.000