About Snakes & Lattes
Answer Submission Form for Snakes and Lattes
Snakes & Lattes Tempe is the first US location of the same concept from Toronto, Canada. We have 800 games and 12 delicious craft beer taps. Game on!
Answer Submission Form for Snakes and Lattes
Snakes & Lattes Tempe is the first US location of the same concept from Toronto, Canada. We have 800 games and 12 delicious craft beer taps. Game on!
This Tuesday night we had 7 teams join us at Snakes & Lattes for a night of wholesome trivia! Our teams this week included Let's Get Quizical, Goof Troop, 12 Left Feet, People Wearing Clothes, Dogfish, Yash, and Paws.
We started off with our General Knowledge Round to get things going. Goof Troop and 12 Left Feet kicked things off with a strong tied lead of 8 points each. Behind them was Let's Get Quizical with 5 points, then Dogfish with 4 points, Yash with 3, People Wearing Clothes with 2 points, and Paws with 1 point.
Round 2 seemed to be a challenge for our teams as they had to identify the former teen idols shown in the images. Dogfish did the best this round after getting 6 of the answers correct. They ended up being in a three-way tie for first place after this round with Goof Troop and 12 Left Feet, who all had a total of 10 points.
Round 3's theme focused on either photography or cheese! Our teams did pretty well in this round. By this point Dogfish had stolen first place with 15 points now. Behind them tied in second was Goof Troop and 12 Left Feet each with 13 points. Let's Get Quizical was in third with 10 points. People Wearing Clothes and Yash were tired for fourth with 8 points each and in fifth was Paws with 5 points.
This week's Round 4 was a Guess Who! Paws and Let's Get Quizical unfortunately did not correctly guess our mystery person and as a result both lost a point for their teams. Goof Troop was able to correctly guess after our second clue, giving their team an additional 8 points! Yash, 12 Left Feet, People Wearing Clothes, and Dogfish all guessed correctly after our fourth clue so each of their teams were able to earn 4 points. The mystery man this week was lead singer and bassist for the Police, Sting!
Round 5 was our Find the Connection round. We had 3 teams chose to play their Double or Nothing's in this round. Dogfish got every single answer correct so they got a whole 20 extra points for their team! Goof Troop elected not to write in an answer for one of our questions, but got everything else correct and were able to earn 18 points for their team! Let's Get Quizical did not write in answers for two of the questions, but they did get everything else correct so they earned 16 points for their team. The commonality in this week's questions was that each of the answers was a palindrome!
Round 6 challenged the history knowledge of our teams by asking them to match each president to the state that joined the union during their presidency, and challenging it was! 12 Left Feet did the best this round and got 7 of the answers correct. By this point in the game Goof Troop was in first place with a total of 43 points. In second we had Dogfish with 41 points. In third we had 12 Left Feet with 32 points. In fourth was Let's Get quizical with 29 points, fifth went to People Wearing Clothes with 22 points, sixth was Yash with 19 points, and in seventh we had Paws with 8 points.
Our final question for Round 7 asked the teams to name 10 of the 12 Greek alphabet letters that end with the letter "A". Each of our teams got all of the answers correct in this round! Though 3 of the teams played their Double or Nothing in this last round to score some final extra points! 12 Left Feet, Yash, and People Wearing Clothes were all able to earn 20 extra points for their teams!
After adding final points, and the extra 2 points for those who had returned pens, we had a tie for second place of 53 points between Goof Troop and Dogfish! Each team elected a member of their team to come up and answer our tie breaking question! The question asked how many people attended the 2015 Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs (as it was the highest attended Derby to date). Dogfish answered 25,000 and Goof Troop answered 55,000. The correct answer was 170,513, so the winner of our tie breaker was Goof Troop!
In the end Paws was in seventh place with 20 points. In sixth we had Yash with 36 points. Fifth went to Let's Get Quizical with 41 points. In fourth was People Wearing Clothes with a total of 42 points. Third was Dogfish with 53 points. Second went to Goof Troop who also had 53 but was the winner of our tie-breaker. And finally, in first place with 54 points, we had 12 Left Feet! Join us again next Tuesday at 7 to see who will win next!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | 23854 | 12 Left Feet | 54 | 6 | 1.000 |
2* | 24978 | Goof Troop | 53 | 4 | 0.750 |
2 | 25357 | Dogfish | 53 | 4 | 0.750 |
4 | People Wearing Clothes | 42 | 3 | 0.500 | |
5 | 22559 | Let's Get Quizzical | 41 | 2 | 0.333 |
6 | 25346 | Yash | 39 | 1 | 0.167 |
7 | Paws | 20 | 0 | 0.000 |