T. Phillip's Alehouse

601 S. Myrtle Ave.
Monrovia CA 91016
(626) 256-4253
About T. Phillip's Alehouse

T. Phillip’s Alehouse is one of the last “old town” neighborhood hangouts. It's a great place to enjoy a delicious meal and your favorite brew! With over seventy beers on tap you're sure to find one you like!


Thu May 24 2018
| by Quizmaster Sara Fisher

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13933 Mischief Managed 48 3 1.000
2 13323 Cocoa Puffs 45 2 0.667
3 14976 Let's Get Down to Quizness 34 1 0.333
4 14974 Oliver Klozoff 24 0 0.000