T. Phillip's Alehouse

601 S. Myrtle Ave.
Monrovia CA 91016
(626) 256-4253
About T. Phillip's Alehouse

T. Phillip’s Alehouse is one of the last “old town” neighborhood hangouts. It's a great place to enjoy a delicious meal and your favorite brew! With over seventy beers on tap you're sure to find one you like!


Thu Jun 21 2018
| by Quizmaster Sonia Walsh

It was a fun and crazy night at T. Phillips Alehouse in Monrovia. Our regulars, Cocoa Puffs and Mischief Managed were competing hard neck and neck in the first half, and this week Mischief pulled ahead to win by 10 points.

We had lots and lots of newbies this week, including a birthday in the Over the Hill Costa gang, who wound up 3rd with a nice $10 gift for the birthday girl to take home, and smiles all around.

Our smallest team of the night, 2 people, Duche and Obe, ended up 4th by a nose with 35 points. We hope they become regulars as they are very stiff competition.

And, the awesome prize goes to the Spacemen, a great group of folks from JPL that came late but finished strong. They got 2 awesome points for being super fun, and well, it wouldn't change the place roster anyway. But they were just cool, fun, frolicking Aussies, one of whom is here on holiday, and we're honored she spent her vacation evening with us. So they have the honored spot of first pic above. Thanks for showing up and having fun!

Thanks to all of you who spent your Thursday night with us and brought the enthusiasm!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13933 Mischief Managed 67 6 1.000
2 13323 Cocoa Puffs 57 5 0.833
3 Over the Hill Costa 36 4 0.667
4 Duche & Obe 35 3 0.500
5 The Spacemen 21 2 0.333
6 Los Anarchists 16 1 0.167
7 Dogs 12 0 0.000