T. Phillip's Alehouse

601 S. Myrtle Ave.
Monrovia CA 91016
(626) 256-4253
About T. Phillip's Alehouse

T. Phillip’s Alehouse is one of the last “old town” neighborhood hangouts. It's a great place to enjoy a delicious meal and your favorite brew! With over seventy beers on tap you're sure to find one you like!


Thu Jul 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Sonia Walsh

It was a hot, hot night at T,Phillip's in Monrovia, and I'm not just talking about the weather! We had 9 teams duking it out, and an unprecedented number of double downs. Newcomers Bodaggets & Brain Magic were indeed magical, running away with the win and 73 points. They doubled down in 3 rounds, and it paid off, as they got all 3 perfect. Round 3 was astounding as EVERY SINGLE team double down, and got ALL 6 right for a score of 12 across the board! The Grattans, a two person team, came in at Round 4, were the only ones to get the 8 point clue, doubled down in Round 5, to finish with an impressive score of 36. The night was exceptionally high scoring, and exceptionally close most of the night with numerous ties, until things came to a screeching halt in Round 7. We were looking for the 10 teams on the NCAA's Big East Conference. Then, suspense as the question sheet had a typo that said teams according the the current 2013 list. Egads, confusion - what did that mean? Had to call the powers that be to find out if it indeed was a typo, or if the same 10 teams had been on the list since 2013. It was a typo, the correction was announced, and answer sheets were turned in. It was an incredibly tough round, as the highest number of correct answers were 5, given by the big winners, the Bodaggets. It was a big, hot, and exciting summer night. Let's repeat the rousing fun every week - just without the heat! Ooh that rhymes.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14502 bodaggits and Brain Magic 73 8 1.000
2 10614 Be Kind Rewind 68 7 0.875
3 12887 Dept. Of Doom 64 6 0.750
4 13323 Cocoa Puffs 57 5 0.625
5 The Dream Team 49 4 0.500
6 13933 Mischief Managed 45 3 0.375
7 15354 Team Name Pending 44 2 0.250
8 The Grattans 36 1 0.125
9 Two Broads @ Bar 18 0 0.000