The Blind Donkey - Long Beach

149 Linden Ave
Long Beach CA 90802
(562) 247-1511
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm
About The Blind Donkey - Long Beach

Underground whiskey and craft beer bar. Weekly events. Fun.


Tue Jan 28 2020
| by Quizmaster Ashley Stewart

We had a pretty close game last night! This Brain Was Intentionally Left Blank was taking the lead until Joe Did Nothing Wrong won the double or round 6. They turned out to be the 1st place winners of the evening with 65 points! Second place went to This Brain with 59 points. Third place went to Booze and Loose who won the tie breaker question against Franks Red Hot.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Joe Did Nothing Wrong 65 9 1.000
2 21455 This Brain Intentionally Left Blank 59 8 0.889
3* 18516 Booze and Lose 55 7 0.778
4 Franks Red Hot 54 6 0.667
5 OK, Boomer 47 5 0.556
6 21063 Friends of Daisy 44 4 0.444
7 17715 A for Effort 43 3 0.333
8 Stern Line Steve 42 2 0.222
9 O-Trivia Newton John 37 1 0.111
10 Frog Pound 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker