The Fountainhead

367 S 1st St
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 642-5270
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 6:00pm
About The Fountainhead

Architectural Themed, Hand Crafted Cocktails Using Locally sourced Ingredients With Top Shelf Spirits; Craft Beer and Quality Wines Too.


Tue Nov 27 2018
| by Quizmaster Taylor Wing

Ask My Balls takes it again - but no easy task this week, with plenty of competition across the board from teams new and old alike! First-timers This Shirt Is for Your Kid doubled early in Round 2 and maintained a seemingly comfortable lead until an explosive Round 6 - which saw not one, not two, but THREE successful doubles, giving Ask My Balls and Ladies & The Tramps just enough of an edge to claim the top two spots.

Meanwhile, the tenacious Twin Possible & Co. nearly overcame an early failed-double deficit for the top prize itself, with a bold but unsuccessful bid for glory in the final round (9/10!) Special shout-out to team Standby, also with a 9/10 double attempt in the last round, which would have netted an outstanding 50 points for the one-man(!)-band! Cheers!

(Historical note: This was my first trivia-hosting experience ever!)

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14026 Ask my Balls 58 6 1.000
2 Ladies & The Tramps 55 5 0.833
3 This Shirt Is for Your Kid 54 4 0.667
4 16942 The Drs Are In 47 3 0.500
5 14202 Black Mambas 44 2 0.333
6 Twin Possible & Co. 42 1 0.167
7 Standby 30 0 0.000