The Lion & Crown

5001 Addison Circle
Addison TX 75001
(972) 503-5001
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:30pm
About The Lion & Crown


Thu Nov 16 2017
| by Quizmaster Christian Gonzales

Team name of the week has GOT to go to the How I Met Your Mother tribute! I half expected someone to get up halfway through tonight's show and slap a teammate, but no players were harmed in the making of this weeks episode. We had a few new comers, who are always welcome in our watering hole, we hope they return!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10897 Quiz Knows 51 8 1.000
2* 10303 I've Got Nothing 49 6 0.812
2 10896 CIRCLE squares 49 6 0.812
4 Tobias if you're nasty 44 5 0.625
5 cat 36 4 0.500
6 11146 Shenanigans 33 3 0.375
7 Countdown to slapsgiving 27 2 0.250
8 Pine cove 24 1 0.125
9 We thought it was bingo night 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker