The Lion & Crown

5001 Addison Circle
Addison TX 75001
(972) 503-5001
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:30pm
About The Lion & Crown


Thu Jan 31 2019
| by Quizmaster Christian Gonzales

Holy busy night, Batman!! The past few weeks we have been on FIRE with a ton of teams coming to join us! With the perfect this weather this week, will we top our high score? Willing to be we will! Pictured is our chick surrounded by her 4....gentlemen friends. And, the Shennanigans!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 4 dicks and a chick 70 15 1.000
2 11146 Shenanigans 65 14 0.933
3 CockAsian 63 13 0.867
4 10897 Quiz Knows 62 12 0.800
5 All of Nothing 55 11 0.733
6 Cat 50 10 0.667
7 10301 Quizzards 45 9 0.600
8 You're damn right 44 8 0.533
9 Ya damn blue barracudas 42 6 0.433
9 10302 Blue Barracudas 42 6 0.433
11 Tuna Sub Backward 41 5 0.333
12 10303 I've Got Nothing 40 4 0.267
13 My teammates are flakier than a croissant 35 3 0.200
14 Panera Palz 30 1 0.100
14 Where's toby 30 1 0.100
16 Team bitchin 9 0 0.000